In PolkMIS

The charge for file reviewing is to determine the degree to which information in the file is consistent with information in PolkMIS. For Community Inclusion, the individual can meet the Community Inclusion Outcome once for each fiscal year. Thus, PolkMIS should contain a Community Inclusion event for each individual who has met the Community Inclusion Outcome. PolkMIS should not contain such an event if the individual has not met the Community Inclusion Outcome.

In the case file

There are two ways PolkMIS and the case file can be found consistent. If the participant has a Community Inclusion event in PolkMIS, the file  is consistent if it contains sufficient documentation to show that the participant has met the Community Inclusion Outcome. If the participant does not have a Community Inclusion event in PolkMIS, the file is consistent if documentation is not found that the participant has met Community Inclusion Outcome.